How Long Do Dental Implants Last? A Complete Guide

If you have missing or damaged teeth that you want to get replaced, dental implants are one of the best options available to you. 

Dental implants are small metal posts, usually made of titanium, that are surgically placed into your jawbone. These posts act as substitutes for the root of the tooth that you are missing, and implants can prevent bone loss from occurring because of this. When your mouth heals from the surgical placement of your implants, abutments and artificial teeth will be attached to the implants in order to replace your teeth themselves. 

Your replacement teeth will be custom made to match your existing teeth for better aesthetics, and dental implants have long been recognized for their near-real functionality, appearance, and comfort. 

Compared to other options like dentures and bridges, dental implants are very secure and durable, and will last much longer — that said, the better option isn’t quite the best option. 

Because dental implants are permanent and not removable, they do not need to be removed when you clean your teeth or mouth, and this makes them less prone to breakage than dentures. 

However, conventional implants can be very expensive, costing as much as several thousand dollars per implant depending on the situation.

If you are looking to have your missing teeth replaced, dental implants can cost an arm and a leg. Thankfully, Stabili-Teeth™ can give you the stability of implants without the high cost. 

Understanding the Dental Implant Procedure

Understanding what the dental implant process entails is an important part of making the best decision for your needs, and it can also help you better understand why implants last as long as they do. 

The process begins with a dental consultation so that your dentist can assess the current state of your teeth and jawbone. Dental implants require sufficient jawbone in order to be adequately supported, and if your jawbone is not fully grown, your dentist may suggest a bone augmentation process to add to your existing bone in order to ensure that your implants will be successful. 

In many cases, pricing will not include the cost of additional procedures like bone grafting or augmentation, so you should speak to your dentist about this. 

From there, your dentist will remove the damaged teeth in question, and your jawbone will be prepared through bone grafting if necessary. Your implants will then be placed, and then you will be given time for your mouth to heal before your final replacement teeth are installed. 

During this healing process, you may be left without functional teeth, which is not ideal if you want fast results. This is why Stabili-Teeth™ gives you a temporary set of fully stabilized teeth on your day of surgery, and installs your final replacement teeth after your mouth has finished healing. 

As your mouth heals, the jawbone will integrate with the implant in order to support it and hold it in place, giving it optimal security and stability. Finally, your artificial teeth will be attached to the implants, and your missing teeth will be fully replaced. The duration of the healing process can vary from person to person and can also depend on the type of implants being used, but you should expect it to take several months.

Durability of Traditional Dental Implants

Although the months-long process of conventional implants might not sound ideal, implants can offer stability and durability, making them last much longer than other methods of tooth replacement. 

Dental implants are not prone to decay like natural teeth are, which means you do not have to worry about them deteriorating and breaking down. That said, it is still important to maintain great oral health when you have implants, because healthy gums are a major part of ensuring that your implants last. 

Professional check-ups and cleanings are an important part of keeping your oral health in good condition, and taking great care of your mouth overall can help make your implants last longer. On average, implants can last from 15 to 20 years when done correctly and taken care of properly. Many factors can influence the durability of your implants, and you should speak to your dentist if you are concerned. 

Dental Implant Costs: What You Should Know

Traditional dental implants can be very effective, but it is important for you to keep in mind that you may need to pay very high costs in order to pursue this method of tooth replacement. 

One single tooth implant can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $6,000 depending on the location of the missing tooth, the type of implant you choose, your location, and the materials being used. 

This means that if you want to replace multiple teeth with implants, your costs can add up very quickly, and this is especially true if you need to undergo a bone augmentation procedure as well, or if you need your damaged teeth to be extracted. Implants for front teeth are generally more expensive than implants for back teeth, but your dentist can give you the most accurate estimates. 

If you need a full mouth of dental implants, this could cost you up to $40,000, which may not be realistic for many patients. 

Some alternatives exist which entail using only a few dental implants to support either a bridge or a denture, but both bridges and dentures are infamous for being uncomfortable and unstable, which means they likely will not meet your priorities. 

Affordable, Same Day Results with Stabili-Teeth™

If you want fast, effective, and durable results at prices you can afford, Stabili-Teeth™ has the solution. 

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to the traditional dentures and fixed detachables like Clear Choice or All-on-Four. Although dentures have their downfalls, they have been proven to only marginally work, and while fixed detachables work great, the cost remains very high. 

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improve upon the aspects of a denture that have failed in the past.

The Stabili-Teeth™ protocol is an improvement to the overdenture, and it incorporates a unique combination of conventional implants and narrow diameter implants, making for an easier surgical procedure and shorter healing period. 

On your day of surgery, a temporary set of full stabilized teeth will be placed into your mouth so that you can enjoy full tooth functionality even while your mouth is still healing, and then your final replacement teeth will be installed once the healing process has reached completion. 

This means you will never be left without teeth during the process, and even after you receive your final replacement teeth, you keep the provisional set of teeth as a backup option. 

Even more, Stabili-Teeth™ comes at an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full mouth restoration, and these prices include tooth extraction, sedation, and bone augmentation procedures. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, you do not have to worry about getting surprised by extra costs and fees, and you can even enjoy free clinical exams and cleanings every 3 months for the first year following your procedure. 

Stabili-Teeth™ comes with a 5-year guarantee, and if you are ready to get the smile of your dreams without the hassle, you can get started today by filling out our free online consultation form. This form asks about the current condition of your mouth and teeth so that our experts can appropriately assess your needs and situation. 

Missing or damaged teeth can leave you feeling discouraged and insecure, but Stabili-Teeth™ can help you get your life back without burning a hole in your wallet. 

The Bottom Line

Dental implants are small metal posts that are surgically placed into the jaw, and once your mouth heals, abutments and artificial teeth will be attached to these implants. 

Because dental implants are composed of several different parts, they replace both the root of the tooth as well as the tooth itself, and they can help prevent bone loss caused by missing teeth because of the fact that they replace both key parts of a natural tooth. As your mouth heals, your jawbone will integrate with the implant in order to hold it in place, and this offers more comfort and stability than other methods of tooth replacement like dentures and bridges. 

Dental implants are a permanent solution and do not need to be removed when you brush your teeth, which means they are less prone to breakage. Implants are also not susceptible to decay, and thus can last for 15-20 years, or longer depending on your individual situation. If you are maintaining great oral care and going to your dentist for regular cleanings and check-ups, you can experience great results from dental implants — if you can afford it. 

Dental implants can cost upwards of $40,000 for full-mouth restoration, which is simply just not realistic for most people. 

If the costs of conventional implants make it seem like a new smile is out of reach, Stabili-Teeth™ is here to prove you wrong with the solution that offers same-day results at prices anyone can afford!


What are dental implants? | American Academy of Implant Dentistry 

Dental implant surgery | Mayo Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants | American College of Prosthodontists

Dental implants Dental Implants: Costs, Procedures and Types in the US | Dentaly

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