What is the Immediate Dentures Expected Recovery Period?

If you have damaged or missing teeth that need to be replaced, immediate dentures are just one of the options available for you to choose from. Immediate dentures were once appealing to patients who desired fast results at low costs, and learning more about what is involved in the process of getting immediate dentures can help you determine whether or not it is the best choice for you. 

Dentures are a tooth replacement solution consisting of a plastic base with artificial teeth attached to it, and the base is generally made to match the color of your gums and palate for better aesthetics. 

Conventional dentures usually involve multiple appointments so that your dentist can perform fittings and impressions in order to make sure the final denture will fit your mouth properly, but an immediate denture may only take one appointment prior to the day of placement. Immediate dentures are removable just like conventional dentures, and any type of denture is known to feel uncomfortable and ill-fitting for at least the first few weeks while you adjust to it. 

With immediate dentures, your denture can be placed right after your teeth are extracted, and this prevents you from being left without functional teeth while your mouth heals. Any type of tooth replacement procedure that involves tooth extraction, including dentures, involves a certain recovery period while your gums and tissues heal. This healing process can vary in duration depending on the circumstances, but learning more about what to expect from your immediate denture procedure can help you better prepare for recovery. 

If you want same-day results at lower costs, that actually last and work like you want them to, Stabili-Teeth™ has the solution. 

The Lowdown on Immediate Dentures: What You Should Know

Immediate dentures are also commonly referred to as same-day dentures because they can be placed on the same day that your teeth are extracted. 

Although immediate dentures can seem like a convenient and affordable option, they are only recommended as a very temporary solution to be used while your mouth is healing. 

This is because your gums can shrink during the healing process, so your immediate denture will need to be adjusted, realigned, or replaced once healing is complete. Because of this, immediate dentures are mainly only used while a patient is waiting for their final denture to be prepared.

Same-day dentures generally cost around $1,900 for a set of upper and lower dentures, but considering that you will likely need a new denture after the healing process, you should expect this cost to be at least doubled. 

You should also keep in mind that costs can vary depending on your location, the state of your oral health, and the location of the missing teeth in your mouth, and you should consult your dentist for the most accurate estimates.

What the Process Entails

While the process of getting immediate dentures is less involved than conventional dentures, there are still a few steps. 

Your dentist may begin by taking dental impressions that will be used to make your denture. This may be done in a preliminary appointment, or may be done in the same appointment as any necessary tooth extractions. 

Your dentist may also perform certain diagnostic procedures such as checking your bite or doing X-rays in order to fully and accurately assess the condition of your teeth and jaw. 

Before your final immediate denture is placed, your dentist may make a mock-up version for you to try to ensure that everything fits properly. This way, if any changes need to be made, they can still be made on the same day.

Once your denture is in place, you can expect the healing process to begin.

Understanding the Recovery Period

The healing process associated with immediate dentures can take several months depending on the situation. 

Healing from a tooth extraction can take time, especially if you have had multiple teeth taken out in preparation to have them replaced. Taking great care of your mouth following tooth extractions is a key part of making the recovery period go as smoothly as possible, and your dentist may recommend that you eat soft foods, keep the extraction sites clean, and brush your teeth very gently. 

If your dentist places gauze in your mouth following the extraction, bite firmly on the gauze as instructed in order to control the bleeding. You may experience some oozing of blood on the first day or two, but you can always talk to your dentist if anything is concerning you or seems wrong. If you are experiencing pain, use any pain medication you may have been prescribed, or an over-the-counter pain reliever with your doctor’s approval. 

You may be instructed to avoid drinking with a straw, drinking hot liquids, and smoking while your mouth is healing. 

You should call your dentist if any of the following symptoms present:

  • Pain that becomes more severe the day following your tooth extractions

  • Bleeding that becomes hard to control

  • Swelling that worsens

Your healing process may take several weeks or even several months, and no two people are exactly the same. Because of this, it can be somewhat hard to know how long it will take for your mouth to heal, but your dentist will always be able to answer your questions and guide you through the recovery period. 

A Hassle-Free Same Day Solution with Stabili-Teeth™

If immediate dentures do not sound like the right choice for you, Stabili-Teeth™ is a same-day, lower-cost solution that can help you get the smile of your dreams more comfortably. 

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to the traditional dentures and fixed detachables like Clear Choice or All-on-Four. Although dentures have their downfalls, they have been proven to only marginally work, and while fixed detachables work great, the cost remains very high. 

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improves upon the aspects of a denture that have failed in the past.

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an improvement to the overdenture, but it itself is not a type of denture. Instead, Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern and streamlined solution that uses a unique combination of both conventional and narrow diameter dental implants for optimal stability, comfort, and functionality. This combination of implants makes for a less-invasive surgery and easier healing period as compared to conventional implants, but you still get the same amazing results. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, you leave the office on your day of surgery with a full set of stabilized, provisional teeth, and this ensures that you will not be left without functional teeth while your mouth heals. Once healing is complete, the final prosthesis will be installed, but you keep the provisional set as a backup option

Stabili-Teeth™ comes with a 5 year guarantee and a free clinical exam and cleaning every 3 months for the first year following your procedure.

While an immediate denture is only good during the healing process and then gets discarded and replaced, your set of provisional teeth from Stabili-Teeth™ remain usable after your final set is installed. Stabili-Teeth™ ensures that you are never left without functional teeth.

Stabili-Teeth™ comes at an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full-mouth restoration, making it much more affordable than a full arch or full mouth of conventional implants. These prices include tooth extraction, bone grafting, and sedation, so there are no surprise costs for you to deal with along the way. 

The Bottom Line

Immediate dentures are dentures that can be made and placed on the same day that your teeth are extracted, and the process generally only calls for one preliminary visit, if any. An immediate denture is mainly only used as a temporary solution so that patients are not left without functional teeth while the gums heal, and they typically need to be realigned, adjusted, or more commonly, replaced once healing is complete due to shrinkage of the gum tissues. 

Any tooth replacement method that involves tooth extractions entails a long recovery period following this procedure. The recovery period can last for several weeks or several months depending on the situation, and it can depend on how many teeth were extracted and what the extent of the circumstances is. Many factors can influence healing, and your dentist may be able to give you the most accurate information regarding this. 

Because immediate dentures are only temporary and need to be replaced, this method of tooth replacement leaves much to be desired. Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern and streamlined dental implant solution that gives you amazing same-day results at lower costs as compared to conventional implants, and if you are ready to bring joy back into your life, Stabili-Teeth™ is here to help.

If you are ready to get your life back and enjoy the smile of your dreams, you can get started with Stabili-Teeth™ today by filling out our free online form for a consultation. Immediate dentures leave much to be desired, but Stabili-Teeth™ has you covered with our same-day, lower-cost solution. 


Dentures - American Dental Association | MouthHealthy

Same-Day Dentures: Cost and Process of Immediate False Teeth | Dentaly

​​Same-day dentures: process and cost | Authority Dental

After a Tooth Extraction: Caring for Your Mouth | Saint Luke’s

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