Can You Get Tooth Extractions and Dentures on the Same Day?

When you need missing or damaged teeth replaced, dentures are one of the options for you to choose from, and building a better understanding of the denture process can help you decide whether or not dentures are the right choice for your needs. 

Broken teeth can be painful, and can even impact your overall oral health if they are not addressed properly, and if you have a broken tooth at the front of your mouth, you may be left feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your smile. There are several different types of fractures and breaks you may experience with your teeth, and not all of them are serious, but when a fracture reaches the root of the tooth, you may need the tooth to be extracted.

If you have a broken tooth that you suspect may need to be removed, you should consult your dentist promptly so that the situation can be evaluated appropriately. 

If your dentist determines that the tooth does need to be removed, they will work with you to schedule a tooth extraction, in which case you may want to start thinking about methods of replacing missing teeth. 

Multiple severely damaged teeth especially call for a method of tooth replacement, and dentures are one option that can work to replace several teeth all at once. 

However, while dentures are an option, they are not the best option. 

If you’re looking for the best solution for missing teeth, Stabili-Teeth™ is affordable, same-day, reliable, and stable — learn more about the Stabili-Teeth™ advantage here.

Understanding Same-Day Dentures

In many cases, you may be able to have a denture fitted right after your teeth are extracted, and this type of denture is widely known as an immediate denture

If you are interested in getting an immediate denture, you will typically need to have an appointment with your dentist prior to your tooth extraction so that measurements and impressions of your mouth can be collected in order to make the denture ahead of time. 

Getting a denture that is placed immediately after a tooth extraction helps ensure that you do not end up being left without functional teeth during the healing process, and this is a main reason why same-day denture options were once appealing to many patients. 

It is important to keep in mind that your gums and bone may shrink over time, particularly during the first 6 months following tooth extraction. If your gums do shrink, your immediate denture may not fit properly after a certain amount of time has passed, and in this case, it will likely need to be realigned, adjusted, or even replaced. 

In many cases, an immediate denture does end up needing to be replaced, and because of this, what was once an affordable option up front could ultimately cost you more than you bargained for in the long run. 

Due to issues with gum shrinkage, same-day dentures are really only recommended as a temporary solution for missing teeth. A same-day denture may be recommended for you to wear while your mouth heals before your final tooth replacement solution is placed in your mouth, but it is not a good solution if you want same-day results that last and do not run the risk of having to be replaced or altered. 

Same-day dentures cost, on average, around $1,900 for a set of both upper and lower dentures, but this cost can depend on your specific situation as well as your location. This may seem affordable at first, but you should keep in mind that this price does not include the price of tooth extractions and any other procedures that your dentist may deem necessary along the way, and if your immediate denture does need to be replaced once healing is complete, you will have to pay again for your replacement denture. 

Tooth extractions can cost several hundred dollars per tooth depending on the case, so your costs may add up more quickly than you anticipated if you opt for a same-day denture. 

Comparing Your Denture Options

Aside from same-day dentures, there are also conventional denture options that you can take into consideration. Standard, conventional dentures generally require multiple appointments for fittings and impressions in order to make sure your final denture fits your mouth well, but because the final denture does not get placed until after you are finished healing, it will not immediately need to be replaced. 

Conventional dentures are a more permanent option than same-day dentures, but you should keep in mind that all forms of dentures are known to lack functionality, stability, and comfort to some degree. Dentures are also very prone to breakage, and dropping your denture just once could end up damaging it beyond repair. Dentures also tend to flex out of shape over time, meaning you may want to plan to need a new denture every 5 years or so. Because of this, although dentures can seem affordable at first, they may cost you more in the long run. 

All forms of removable, conventional dentures also require a great deal of care and maintenance, making them a less than ideal option if you are looking for something that will not require a lot of attention.

As compared to same-day dentures, conventional dentures are made out of a less flexible material, and they tend to be more affordable upfront than same-day dentures.

Other Tooth Replacement Options: Same-Day, Lower-Cost Results with Stabili-Teeth™

Aside from dentures, dental bridges and dental implants are two other options available to you when it comes to getting your missing or damaged teeth replaced. Dental bridges consist of several artificial teeth that are connected together and then attached to your remaining teeth adjacent to the gaps in your mouth. 

However, dental bridges require the adjacent teeth to be prepared by having them grinded down and covered with caps or crowns, which is not ideal if your remaining teeth are in good condition. 

Alternatively, conventional dental implants are small metal posts that are surgically implanted into your jaw, and then replacement teeth are attached to the implants once your mouth heals. Dental implants are known for their great aesthetics, near-normal functionality, and comfort, but they are very expensive and tend to cost several thousand dollars per tooth. 

This means that the costs can add up quickly if you want to replace more than one tooth, and the process can be even more expensive if you need bone grafting procedures beforehand to ensure that the implants will be successful. 

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to the traditional dentures and fixed detachables like Clear Choice or All-on-Four. Although dentures have their downfalls, they have been proven to only marginally work, and while fixed detachables work great, the cost remains very high. 

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improves upon the aspects of a denture that have failed in the past.

If traditional methods of tooth replacement are not right for you (and trust us, they are rarely right for anyone), Stabili-Teeth™ has the solution with amazing same day results at a lower cost than conventional dental implant procedures. 

Stabili-Teeth™ incorporates a unique combination of conventional implants and narrow diameter implants, making for a less invasive surgical procedure that still yields great results. Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an improvement to the overdenture, but this solution itself is not a denture. Instead, Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern and streamlined dental implant solution that comes with a 5 year guarantee as well as a free clinical exam and cleaning every 3 months for the first year following your procedure. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, you leave the office on your day of surgery with a full set of stabilized provisional teeth, and then the final prosthesis are installed once you are done healing. This ensures that you will not be left without functional teeth during any stage of the process, and even once your final prostheses are in place, you keep the provisional set of teeth as a backup option. 

The Bottom Line

If you have damaged teeth that need to be extracted and replaced, dentures are one tooth replacement solution available to you. Generally, dentures require multiple fitting and impressions appointments in order to ensure that your final denture will fit properly, but immediate dentures or same-day dentures can be placed on the same day as your tooth extractions. 

Immediate dentures are, however, only recommended as a temporary solution, because your gums will likely shrink as they heal. This means that your dentures will need to be realigned or even replaced once the healing process is complete, and thus you will have to pay for a whole new denture. Dentures may seem like an affordable option upfront, but they may end up costing you more in the long run. 

Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern and streamlined tooth replacement solution that makes use of conventional and narrow diameter dental implants for optimal comfort, functionality, and aesthetics, and if you are ready to bring joy back into your life, Stabili-Teeth™ can help.

If you are ready to get your life back, you can get started today by filling out our free online form so that our experts can determine whether you may be a candidate for Stabili-Teeth™.


Dentures | Oral Health Foundation

Same-Day Dentures: Cost and Process of Immediate False Teeth | Dentaly

Same-Day Dentures v Conventional Dentures | Mouth Power

Tooth Replacement Options | ADA Patient Smart 

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